Supporting More Rectangular Fields in Wicomico County

West Metro Core Follow-Up Meeting in Mardela on July 27th

Wicomico County will be holding a follow-up to the West Metro Core meeting held on April 25th. The meeting will be at the Mardela Firehouse and will begin at 6pm. The purpose of this meeting is to present a revised master plan and accept public input. This park will be installed at a 100-acre property located in Hebron. It will service Hebron, Mardela Springs, and Sharptown

While we have not seen the plan, we have been told that the plan has been significantly altered from the original and 3 soccer fields have been added. This park is going to be massive and its impact on the surrounding communities and recreation programs will be significant. Anyone who lives in the Tri-Town area should make plans to attend this meeting to make sure the plan presented, reflects the needs of the residents in those areas.